Time Details Presenter
8:45-9:00 Nametag pickup in lobby of Rowe building
9:00-9:15 Welcome in Speck Auditorium Nipam Patel, Director of MBL; Symposium organizing committee
9:15-10:30 Session 1 (moderated by Nelia Luviano Aparicio)
9:15-9:30 Deciphering high-level A-to-I RNA recoding in the cephalopod brain Gjenni Voss
9:30-9:35 Understanding body axis development using the sea star Patiria miniata and the sea cucumber Leptosynpata tenuis Talia Marc
9:35-9:50 Single cell transcriptomics reveals the pre-chordate origins of conserved ovarian cell types and regulatory systems Periklis Paganos
9:50-9:55 Impacts of O-GlcNAcylation of α-Synuclein on synaptic vesicle docking and trafficking at a vertebrate synapse  Jaqulin Wallace
9:55-10:10 Morphogenetic, cellular, and molecular characterization of neural development in squid Jess Stock
10:10-10:15 The relationship between a unique, intrinsically disordered domain of cephalopod ADAR1 and high-order mRNA recoding Noah Martin
10:15-10:30 How to build an ovarian follicle - lessons from the sea star Beverly Naigles
10:30-10:45 Coffee break - Rowe lobby
10:45-12:00 Session 2 (moderated by Cristina Roman-Vendrell)
10:45-11:00 Iron and sulfur dynamics in coastal marshes Zhaoxun (Nancy) Yang
11:00-11:15 Saltwater intrusion alters soil porewater biogeochemistry along an Arctic coastline  Elizabeth (Liz) Elmstrom
11:15-11:20 Zostera marina in vitro cultivation techniques as a novel approach to seagrass restoration Sarah Merolla
11:20-11:35 Methanogen and methanotroph community transition zones between the interior and creek bank of a brackish tidal marsh Joe Vineis
11:35-11:40 Developing callus induction methods for Zostera marina: a biotechnical approach to seagrass restoration Grace Dixon
11:40-11:55 Rhizosphere oxygen pool dynamics in Typha angustifolia Ilana Stein
12:00-1:15 Lunch, Meigs room (second floor) in Swope center
1:15-2:15 Session 3 (moderated by Joe Vineis)
1:15-1:30 Pronounced seasonality and distinct clades of Hikarchaeia in warm oceans  Nicole Dames
1:30-1:35 Plasticity of invertebrate cell division in a warming ocean Jamie MacKinnon
1:35-1:50 3D feeding currents of the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi Mitchell Ford
1:50-1:55 VitelloTag: a tool for high throughput cargo delivery into oocytes and other ovarian cell types Akshay Kane
1:55-2:10 Maternal and grandmaternal age influences offspring lifespan, reproduction and gene expression on the marine rotifer Brachionus manjavacas Nelia Luviano Aparicio
2:15-2:30 Coffee break - Rowe lobby
2:30-4:00 Career panel (moderated by Beverly Naigles)
  Dr. Sandra Sanchez, Framingham State University
  Dr. Jean-Phillipe NicolaÏ, Consulat General of France in Boston
  Dr. Erin Bryant, Sea Education Association
  Michelle Collins, MassWildlife
4:00-6:00 Poster session, second floor Swope center; Drinks, mocktails, and appetizers in Meigs room
1- Adenosine deamination and protein recoding in cephalopods: characterizing the role of sqADAR1 in the Euprymna berryi Paula Diaz Sanchez
2 - Sucker attachment and local recruitment patterns of Octopus bimaculoides Ashley Gendreau
3 - Simulating particle export from the base of the mixed layer to the deep ocean Rachele Spezzano
4 - High-resolution diel time series reveals viral-induced metabolic reprogramming of bacteria in a microbial mat Jaden Hansen
5 - Non-destructive sampling of sediment microbial community structure and function Quincy Dowling
6 - Identifying major sources of terrigenous organic matter in south Florida seawater using dissolved lignin Chase Glatz
7 - Tracking mixoplanktonic grazing and carbon flow using natural abundance radiocarbon So Hyun (Sophia) Ahn
8 - The relationship between a unique, intrinsically disordered domain of cephalopod ADAR1 and high-order mRNA recoding Noah Martin
9 - VitelloTag: a tool for high throughput cargo delivery into oocytes and other ovarian cell types Akshay Kane
10 - Understanding body axis development using the sea star Patiria miniata and the sea cucumber Leptosynpata tenuis Talia Marc
11 - Impacts of O-GlcNAcylation of α-Synuclein on synaptic vesicle docking and trafficking at a vertebrate synapse  Jaqulin Wallace
12 - Plasticity of invertebrate cell division in a warming ocean Jamie MacKinnon