This Charter document defines the membership, authority, responsibilities and operating rules of the Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) at the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL). 

The RSC is the governing body for all aspects of radiation safety within MBL, including all research and teaching laboratories using ionizing and non-ionizing radiation sources or devices in facilities owned or controlled by the MBL. The RSC shall ensure that all possession, use and disposal of radiation sources by personnel at MBL complies with all applicable federal and state regulations, and the specific conditions of the MBL license, and that all associated radiation exposures are maintained As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA)

Responsibilities and Authority 

1. The RSC is a Standing Committee at MBL that is responsible for the oversight of the MBL Radiation Safety Program. The Committee Chair shall meet annually with the MBL Compliance Committee to give a 10-minute presentation and submit a 2-page report.
2. The Committee disseminates policies and procedures for the safe use of radiation sources. The RSC has the authority to grant, deny, require changes or withdraw permission for the use of radioactive materials or any other radiation generating devices or sources within the MBL to comply with regulation or meet reasonable standards for health and safety.
3. No use of radiation sources may proceed without the knowledge and approval of the RSC.

The Mandate of the RSC is as follows: 

1. The RSC shall advise the MBL President & Director on policy matters regarding the protection of personnel from radiation.
2. The Committee shall make recommendations to the MBL Director & President on risk management issues related to radiation safety, including procedures and facilities used in research and teaching laboratories.
3. The Committee shall oversee the activities of the Radiation Safety Program, and shall: (a) review the Program's objectives and performance goals: (b) monitor the Program's progress in meeting those objectives and goals; and (c) recommend changes in the Program's activities as it may deem necessary.
4. The Committee shall offer its counsel to the MBL Community regarding matters of radiation safety.
5. The Committee is also responsible for carrying out the duties listed below related to the MBL's radioactive materials license.

The Committee shall:

1. Ensure that licensed radioactive material and radiation generating devices will be used safely. This includes review of training programs, equipment, facilities and procedures, as necessary; 
2. Ensure that licensed material is used in compliance with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health Radiation Control Program (MRCP) regulations and the conditions of MBL's license;
3. Ensure that the use of licensed radioactive material is consistent with the ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) principle;
4. Identify Radiation Safety Program challenges and recommend feasible solutions for continual improvement.

The Committee shall:
1.    Be familiar with all pertinent NRC and Massachusetts Department of Public Health Radiation Control Program (MRCP) regulations;
2.    Review the training and experience of the RSO and the proposed Authorized Users to determine that their qualifications are sufficient to enable the individuals to perform their duties safely, and are in accordance with regulations and the MBL's radioactive materials license;
3.    Review and approve or disapprove all requests for authorization to use radioactive material and radiation generating devices within the MBL. Authorizations shall be approved only if the user has fulfilled the training or competency requirements outlined in the MBL Radioactive Materials License and the Radiation Safety Manual.
4.    Review records and reports from the RSO, results of regulatory inspections and audits, written procedures, incidents and laboratory audits performed by the RSO.
5.    Review MBL operational programs to ensure that all persons whose duties may require them to work in, or frequent, areas where radioactive materials are used (e.g. MBL Security, Housekeeping, Plant Operations & Maintenance personnel) are appropriately instructed as required by the federal and state regulations;
6.    Recommend corrective action to address deficiencies identified in the Radiation Safety Program; and
7.    Maintain written minutes of all Committee meetings.


1.    Membership of the RSC shall the RSO and 91鶹 scientists/faculty members who are knowledgeable in the use of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation sources.
2.    The RSC size and composition shall be large enough to represent the broad spectrum of radioactive material users across the MBL's research and teaching community.
3.    The range of representation shall be determined by the Director of the Division of Research, who shall encourage Resident Scientists, Whitman Scientists and Course Directors/faculty to nominate knowledgeable users from the research and teaching community at MBL.

Responsibilities of the Committee Chair 

1.    The Chair has the responsibility for conducting regular Committee meetings and implementing the control functions of the Committee.
2.    The Chair works closely with the RSO to ensure that the directives of the RSC are implemented.

Meetings and Records 

1.    The Committee shall meet at least once every 6 months, or as often as necessary to fulfill its institutional responsibilities.
2.    A quorum shall be a majority (more than 50%) the voting members of RSC, and must include the Chair or RSO.
3.    All matters requiring a vote by the RSC will be determined by a simple majority (greater than 50%) of the quorum, excluding the RSO (non-voting).The minutes of the RSC meetings, plus all reports submitted to the Committee, shall serve as the official documentation of the RSC.
4.    The minutes of each meeting shall include the date of the meeting, the members present and absent, a summary of deliberations and discussions, and recommended action items.
5.    Minutes of the Committee meetings shall be kept and made available for inspection by regulatory agents, upon request.